Offshore Personnel Transfer Safety

Offshore Personnel Transfer


Offshore Personnel Transfer Safety Course is designed keeping in mind ever changing safer and better methods of transfer of personnel from boat to the offshore installations. The course explains the proper technique for personnel transfers between vessel and offshore platforms. Special attention is given to transfers in rough seas, the transfer of equipment, and emergency response procedures. The course explains all the present method of personnel transfer in offshore industry.

The course consists of class room theory and practical session on billy pugh basket at the quay side by the crane and also swing rope transfer.

Target Audience

Offshore contract workers who travel by boat to different installations.

Different Transfer Methods Explained

1) Swing Rope

2) Personnel Basket – BILLY PUGH

3) Transfer Capsules – FROG

4) Hydraulic Gangway

5) Motion-Compensated Gangway – AMPELMANN

Course Content

Theory class before noon. Practical on Billy Pugh and Swing Rope in the afternoon.

  • Firmly grasping the rope with both hands during swing
  • Focusing on the swing and tasks at hand
  • Swing Rope – size and knot positions
  • Timing for waves during jump
  • Positioning the body correctly on basket (in open slots facing inward)
  • Always wearing a PFD during transfers
  • Stop Work Authority
  • Collapsible Billy Pugh Basket
  • Rigid Billy Pugh Basket
  • Transfer FROG
  • Practical on Billy Pugh & Swing Rope
  • Boarding gangway by wave timings
  • Advantage of motion compensated gangway

Having gone through all types of equipment available for transfer of personnel from boat to installation and vice versa, and their safe boarding and transfer procedure, the fear factor in an individual is reduced and he gains more confidence to move around installations in all types of weather and moderate swell.

At many times work is hampered due to moderately bad weather as personnel do not want to move around in fear of falling or getting hurt during transfer, hence waiting for good weather. 

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