IMCA Crane operator logbook can be purchased directly from IMCA website. Or candidate have a choice to purchase from us as we procure logbook from IMCA and distribute to the candidates.
It is not absolutely necessary to have a crane operator logbook, but having a logbook has many advantages which can not be ignored. Logbook is like a service record book which remains with you through your working life and employer treat the logbook as authentic document on your experience and it plays a major role in your employment.
There are many varieties of Crane operator logbook, but IMCA Crane Operator logbook is very well designed for the crane operator experience record keeping purpose and so it has world wide acceptance.
The IMCA Crane Operator Logbook has many sections for various record keeping. It starts with your personal information in the form of name and address. Your photo is affixed to it which is to be changed every 10 years.
Then there is section for your classroom training on crane operation, In this section you can fill all your past training that you have undertaken. That is to say recording of stage 1 and 2.
Next section is for your competency evaluation, that is to say all the different times you underwent a stage 3 evaluation, you have to record it here.
Next section is for your past crane operation records. This section is for recording all your crane operation service that you have undertaken before obtaining IMCA Crane operator logbook.
And the last section is for your current crane operation records. That is to say recording all your crane operation activity after receiving the logbook.
There are sufficient pages in the IMCA Crane operator logbook to last for your entire active service time. So it is only prudent to keep this logbook and improves your chances for a better employment.