Helideck Radio Operator

Helideck Radio OperatorPurpose

Well established communication plays a big role for any operation which will contribute to safety execution. The Helideck Radio Operator training is designed to give the knowledge, understanding and skills to personnel who have the responsibility of communicating with aircraft offshore with relevant information and correct phraseology and technical information to communicate effectively and in a safe and controlled manner.

Target Audience

Any person designated as a Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) and Installation Radio Operator.

Course Content
  1. Introduction to radiotelephony
  2. Radio operator transmitting technique
  3. Callsigns and identification
  4. Offshore radio operator role
  5. Radio coverage and helicopter terminology
  6. Emergency phraseology & communication
  7. Corrections, repetitions & proper communication format
  8. Aeronautical abbreviation
  9. Meteorology
  10. Weather Observation
  11. Practical communication Training on Marine VHF Radio 156.000 MHz to 162.050 MHz
  12. Practical Communication Training on Aircraft VHF Radio 118.000 MHz to 136.975 MHz
  13. Radio Telephony Practical Session & Assessment
  14. Theoretical Assessment

Helideck Radio Operator course are comprehensively designed to train those who have the responsibility as Radio Operator at an offshore installation. At the end of the course, the participant will be knowledgeable in routine Radio Operator duties, duties in emergency response arrangements and the actions required of a Radio Operator during helicopter operation.

The course also covers additional duties that a helideck radio operator has to perform other than the communication. These other duties are part of customary responsibility that has been handed over traditionally in offshore work environment and radio operator is expected to handle those jobs as well, such as new joining crew cabin allotments and host of other activities.

The extensive 2 way practical communication on Marine VHF and Aeronautical VHF lets the delegate shed all inhibitions and fear of communication on the equipment and he is confident and ready for the role after the training.

CourseFee (INR)Date CommenceDurationCourse TimingRemarks
HRO30,000On Demand1 Day11:00 – 18:00Practical on Govt Licensed Equipment