HDA (Helideck Assistant) / HERTM (Helicopter Emg Response Team Member) / OEHTM (Offshore Emergency Helideck Team Member) / Refresher



The aims and objectives of the HDA (Helideck Assistant) and HERTM (Helideck Emergency Response Team Member) Training Programme is to equip the delegate with the initial knowledge, understanding and skills required to perform the role of Offshore Helideck Assistant (HDA) safely and effectively.

It is to equip Offshore Helideck Assistants with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to perform an emergency response team member role in offshore helideck and helicopter emergencies and practice responding to a variety of helideck firefighting and non-firefighting emergency scenarios in a training environment.

Target Audience

The target group for the Offshore HDA and HERTM programme is personnel who are to be appointed to the role of an Offshore HDA.

Course Content

HDA Course Content

  1. Understand key parts of relevant helideck operation regulations and guidelines
  2. Understand helideck physical characteristics
  3. Understand helideck obstacle-free requirements
  4. Understand helideck equipment and systems
  5. Understand meteorological requirements for offshore helicopter operations
  6. Understand typical hazards associated with offshore helideck operations.
  7. Understand how dangerous goods are identified, packaged and labelled according to IATA and ICAO regulations
  8. Define the role of the offshore HDA.
  9. Understand typical HDA duties on an NUI
  10. Explain the responsibilities of an HDA during helicopter operations
  11. State typical routine helideck and helicopter operational procedures prior to landing, helicopter on deck and helicopter take off.
  12. Use handheld radios correctly, complying with radio communications protocol.
  13. Assist HLO with communication checks, checking helideck equipment status, safety nets, security and stowage of helideck equipment.
  14. Ensure they [HDAs] are in the required locations during helicopter operations
  15. Wear appropriate HDA PPE during helicopter operations
  16. Under direction from the HLO:

a) Load and unload passenger baggage correctly

b) Load and unload helicopter freight correctly – using correct manual handling techniques and within helicopter freight loading limitations and requirements.

  1. Comply with helideck protocols and procedures during helicopter operations
  2. Comply with helicopter danger areas rules.
  3. Assist with passenger safe egress and access on the helideck, to and from the helicopter.
  4. Identify dangerous goods during helicopter loading and unloading

HERTM Course Content – (at some places it is also known by OEHTM – Offshore Emergency Helideck Team Member)

  1. Define the key role and key responsibilities of the HDA HERTM.
  2. State the main elements of helideck emergency response plan.
  3. Identify types of potential offshore helideck emergencies.
  4. State the general firefighting safety goals and objectives.
  5. Explain the purpose of typical helideck emergency systems and controls.
  6. Explain the main differences between helideck emergency response on a main fixed or floating installation and a normally unattended installation (NUI).
  7. Communicate effectively with HLO and team members.
  8. Respond appropriately to HLO direction in emergencies.
  9. Under direction from the HLO: approach the incident area in a controlled manner – continually assessing how the changes in the emergency could impact on the safety of other HERT members.
  10. Conduct BA operations in accordance with HLO directions and safe practices.
  11. Conduct firefighting operations effectively using fixed and mobile equipment.
  12. Update HLO on progress against the plan at appropriate times.
  13. Under direction from the HLO: respond to non-fire helideck emergencies.
  14. Conduct effective search and rescue for missing persons and casualties during the emergency.
  15. Use correct casualty handling techniques
  16. Work with ER back-up team when required to do so.
  17. Report to HLO any human factors that may affect individual or team performance during the emergency (Team Learning Objective).

HDA / HERTM Refresher Course Content

  1. Techniques for keeping calm during an emergency response.
  2. Asking for assistance if overwhelmed by the emergency situation.
  3. Effective communications with HLO and other team members – clear and concise communication.
  4. Updating HLO on progress against the plan.
  5. Responding appropriately to HLO direction during a helideck emergency
  6. Effective execution of emergency response tasks.
  7. Conducting helicopter incident firefighting operations.
  8. Correct use of breathing apparatus (BA) when instructed by HLO.
  9. Conducting effective Helicopter/helideck SAR techniques.
  10. Responding to non-firefighting operations during a helicopter incident.
  11. Effective use of fixed and mobile firefighting systems.
  12. Correct casualty handling techniques.

CourseFee INRDurationCourse TimingDate CommenceRemarks
12,0002 days10:00-18:00On DemandPractical Exercises
HERTM15,0003 days10:00-18:00On DemandPractical Exercises
OEHTM12,0002 days10:00-18:00On DemandPractical Exercises
HDA/HERTM-F8,0001.5 days10:00-18:00On DemandPractical Exercises