COX (Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain)

Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain


Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain course is to provide delegates who have a valid Survival certificate (BOSIET), sufficient training to enable them to act as coxswains of lifeboats. This training program is designed to meet the guidelines for safety and contingency training for personnel designated to undertake coxswains duties on an installation survival craft (TEMPSC). After completing the course delegates should be able to prepare rescue craft equipment for use, organise boarding, safely operate lower and release equipment, manoeuvre and lead the recovery operation on the water, then continue with further offshore installation specific training.

Target Audience

Marine crew on offshore installation who have to handle the boat in an emergency / abandonment.

Course Content Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain

(1) Typical emergency response arrangements offshore
(2) The role of the Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain and how to be prepared for emergencies
(3) Operation of the davits and the brake; common faults and potential solutions
(4) The launching and release mechanisms of the TEMPSC
(5) Continual assessment of TEMPSC readiness
(6) How to brief passengers in an emergency
(7) The different types and uses of PPE
(8) Characteristics of mechanical restraints
(9) Suspension systems on the TEMPSC and how to maintain stability of the craft on the hooks
(10) Communications methods and equipment
(11) How weather and sea state conditions affect the launch of the TEMPSC
(12) Hazards that may occur in boarding the craft and in launching the craft
(13) How to determine a ‘safe area’
(14) Degrees on a compass and steering towards a specific heading
(15) How weather and sea state conditions affect the path and holding pattern of the TEMPSC
(16) Maintaining communications between all parties involved in the emergency
(17) How weather and sea state conditions affect the transfer of personnel
(18) How to keep injured personnel comfortable and affect their transfer
(19) Further evacuation procedures and how to assist
(20) How to check the external and internal integrity of the safety craft
(21) How to remove mechanical restraints to enable launch of the TEMPSC
(22) How to start the engine using both primary and secondary start systems
(23) How to board passengers efficiently and safely
(24) How to confirm the launch area is clear
(25) How to brief the crew and obtain permission to launch
(26) How to release the Lowering/launching mechanism
(27) Securing the hatches and turning on the air and water spray protection systems
(28) Clearing the installation on course for a safe area
(29) Pacing alongside a vessel for transfer of personnel
(30) Correct use of the sea anchor
(31) Man overboard procedures if any personnel are in the water
(32) How to maintain the safety of the TEMPSC passengers
(33) How to tow another vessel
(34) How to be towed by another vessel
(35) Emergency steering procedures
(36) The order for disembarkation and how to get passengers to the rescue craft

Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain

CourseFee INRDurationCourse TimingDate CommenceRemarks
COX18,0003.5 days10:00-18:00On DemandPractical Exercises
COX – F (Refresher)8,0001 day10:00-18:00On DemandPractical Exercises