Confined Space Entry Course is designed keeping in mind that work in confined spaces can kill or cause injuries in any industries, ranging from those involving complex plant through to simple storage. Those victims include not only people working in the confined space but also those who try to rescue them without proper training and equipment.
Target Audience
Any worker who may potentially need to work in a confined space. They can be Shipyard workers, Petrochemical Industry workers, NDT technicians, Merchant Shipboard personnel, Municipal Sewer Workers and so on.
Course Content
Course covers basic Theory and Practical aspects of Confined Space Entry and Rescue.
- Definition of confined space
- Hazards and Dangers associated with confined spaces
- Characteristics of confined space
- Safe operating procedures in confined spaces
- Duties of the support personnel for confined spaces
- Understand the Permit to work system (PTW)
- Practical confined space entry/rescue (horizontal and vertical).
- Emergency procedures and rescue of personnel in confined spaces
- Inspection, donning, doffing, and use of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) or Supplied Air System (SAS) in normal operation and in emergency rescue conditions.
- Practical use of SCBA, EEBD, Air Line Cascade Loop system.
- Practical use of Automatic Resuscitator and AED.
The course is designed for persons working in an enclosed space environment posing low risk with adequate ventilation.
- Definition of confined space
- Hazards and Dangers associated with confined spaces
- Characteristics of confined space
- Safe operating procedures in confined spaces
- Duties of the support personnel for confined spaces
- Understand the Permit to work system (PTW)
- Emergency procedures and rescue of personnel in confined spaces
- Preparation for entry into low risk confined spaces.
- Making an entry, working and exiting a confined space.
Review and Assessment
The course is designed for persons working in an enclosed space environment posing medium risk and necessitating use of escape devices.
- Relevant Legislation and Guidelines
- Classification of Confined Spaces
- Hazards within a Confined Space
- Oxygen Deficiency and Enrichment within a confined space
- Use of Confined Space Entry Permits
- Safe Working Procedures
- Gas Monitoring, Atmospheric Testing, Ventilation and Communication
- Equipment and Tools
- Standby Persons, Entrants, Emergency Teams
- Making rescue plans
- Preparation for entry into medium risk confined spaces.
- Making an entry, working and exiting a confined space.
- Rescue of persons during emergency
- Using Escape Breathing Apparatus
- Emergency Exit from Confined Spaces
Review and Assessment
The course is designed for persons working in an enclosed space environment posing high risk and likelihood of hazards present, making rescue difficult and necessitating the use of SCBA.
- Relevant Legislation and Guidelines
- Classification of Confined Spaces
- Hazards within a Confined Space
- Oxygen Deficiency and Enrichment within a confined space
- Use of Confined Space Entry Permits
- Safe Working Procedures
- Gas Monitoring, Atmospheric Testing, Ventilation and Communication
- Equipment and Tools
- Standby Persons, Entrants, Emergency Teams
- Making rescue plans for high risk operations
- Legislation covering BA
- The components and make up of a BA set
- Pre-use checks and tests
- Safe Use of BA and adhering to procedures
- After Use Checks
- Prepare for entry into high risk confined spaces
- Entry, working and exiting safely from high risk confined spaces
- Dealing with emergencies
- Pre-use checks and tests on BA sets
- Donning of BA sets
- Storage of BA sets
- BA Walk-around
- Entry and Emergency Exit from Confined Space
Review and Assessment
Confined Space Awareness: – 7 Hrs Training
a) Applicable regional legislation and guidelines
b) Confined Space definitions and recognition
c) Hazards associated with confined spaces
d) Hazards arising from work conducted in confined spaces
e) Roles and Responsibilities for confined space entry including restrictions i.e. what certain roles should not do
f) Atmospheric testing in confined spaces
g) Safe Systems of work for confined spaces (incl. PTW where applicable)
h) PPE and RPE and equipment used in confined spaces
i) Communication methods when working in confined spaces
j) Emergency procedures and rescue plans and require equipment
k) Toolbox talk and Dynamic Risk Assessment prior to confined space entry
Confined Space Entry: – 7 Hrs Training
a) Atmospheric testing through correct operation of monitoring equipment
b) Hazard identification and dynamic risk assessment
c) Pre use PPE and Equipment checks
d) Don and use of full SCBA
e) Donning & operating (including checks) an escape breathing apparatus (EBA) with a mask and hood prior to egress from a confined space.
f) Using a pressurised cascade breathing system with an activated EBA.
g) Establish and check lines of communication
h) Entry and Egress to and from a confined space
i) Egress from a confined space in an emergency situation
Confined Space Rescue: – 13 Hrs Training
(a) Applicable regional legislation and guidelines for emergency arrangements
(b) Hazards associated with confined spaces
(c) Common causes of confined space emergencies
(d) Safe Systems of work for confined spaces (incl. PTW where applicable)
(e) Emergency response communication
(f) Roles and Responsibilities for emergency arrangements
(g) Emergency Rescue Plans
(h) Rescuer safety
(i) Fire safety
(j) Rescue and resuscitation equipment
(k) SCBA equipment and how to don and doff
(l) Confined space rescue techniques
And Delegates will be able to perform:
(m) Creation of a scenario-based rescues plan
(n) Pre use emergency equipment checks
(o) Donning and use of full SCBA set
(p) Execution of a scenario-based rescues plans using appropriate rescue techniques
(q) Communication using appropriate methods
(r) Use of emergency rescue equipment
(s) Use of resuscitation equipment
Course Fee INR Duration Course Timing Date Commence Remarks
CSE Basic 7,000 1 day 10:00-18:00 On Demand Practical Exercises
CSE Level – 1 8,000 1 day 10:00-18:00 On Demand Practical Exercises
CSE Level – 2 12,000 1 day 10:00-18:00 On Demand Practical Exercises
CSE Level – 3 18,000 1 day 10:00-18:00 On Demand Practical Exercises
CS Awareness 7000 7 hrs 10:00-18:00 On Demand Practical Exercises
CS Entry 7000 7 hrs 10:00-18:00 On Demand Practical Exercises
CS Rescue 14000 13 hrs 10:00-18:00 On Demand Practical Exercises